Privacy Policy

The Australian Natural Register of Accredited Natural Therapies (ANRANT) will protect your personal information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles (NPP) as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).

The Australian Natural Register of Accredited Natural Therapies (ANRANT) will protect your personal information in accordance with the National Privacy Principles (NPP) as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth).

The NPP governs the way we collect, use, disclose and secure information about you. Personal Information: The information we collect about you is in direct relation to your registration and the level of services provided.

Personal information may include your name, title, date of birth, contact details, clinic/practice details, education, qualifications, indemnity insurance, first aid qualifications, accreditation's, certificates, continuing professional education, other membership, registration information, references, complaints and survey information.

The information collected allows us to:

  • maintain an up to date register
  • make appropriate checks for registration
  • provide a practitioner referral service by telephone and the internet
  • promote ANRANT and the services practitioners provide
  • gather statistical data and to research information to improve services
  • represent practitioners with Governments, Health Funds, WorkCover Authorities, Registration Boards, Accreditation Boards and Health Services Authorities, Departments and organisations
  • protect the public interest

ANRANT is unable to ensure or guarantee the security of any information transmitted over the Internet. Any information or data which you transmit to or by using ANRANT is done at your own risk and ANRANT shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or injury that may result from transmitting such information.

Contacting us about your information: ANRANT aims to ensure that your personal information is accurate, up to date and complete.

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